How can I make my divorce less stressful?

Even the most amicable divorces involve some degree of stress. Separating from a person you shared your life with, and possibly even share children with, is a heartbreaking proposition no matter what. However, the actions you take could actually increase stress during...

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Debt responsibiilty in your divorce

It may feel that as soon as a married couple makes the decision to end their relationship, the concerns and interests of each person make a notable shift. Each spouse may start to feel concerned about what assets they may lose as part of their divorce, and what items...

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Ending alimony due to cohabitation

Although not automatic, alimony can often be part of divorce proceedings in Gulfport. This is especially true if you were the primary income earner in your marital home and your ex-spouse bypassed a career to oversee your family's domestic responsibilities. Like many...

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How is property divided in Mississippi?

Mississippi couples accumulate property during their time together. This means that when these couples split, they must divide the property as well. Today we will look at the property laws in Mississippi and what they mean for divorcing couples.  Mississippi is not...

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