Do you need a house to receive child custody?

On Behalf of | Dec 1, 2020 | Child Custody |

Fighting for child custody in Mississippi can be exhausting. During the process, you might be worried that you won’t receive custody if you don’t live in a house. If your former spouse has a nice house with plenty of room for your child, your fears will probably be magnified. Is it possible to get sole or joint custody if you live in a trailer or apartment instead of a house?

Do you need to live in a house to get custody of your child?

Living in a house can help your case. But according to family law professionals, it’s not always a necessity. Unless one parent is abusive or neglectful, the judge will typically want the child to have a relationship with both parents. As a result, they’re more likely to grant joint custody to you and your former spouse.

This doesn’t mean that your living situation isn’t important. If your former spouse lives in a large house and you live in a tiny apartment with three other people, your former spouse might get more time with your child. The judge will also consider if your child will have a hard time adjusting to a new living situation. Safety is also important: If you live in a dangerous area, you might find it difficult to gain custody of your child.

Overall, most judges want to act in the child’s best interests. Since this usually involves maintaining a relationship with both parents, the judge will likely grant you full or partial custody unless they have a significant reason not to do so.

How might an attorney help you earn custody?

An attorney may be able to help you prove to the judge that you can provide a suitable living situation for your child. Additionally, if you have reason to believe that your former spouse is neglectful or abusive, an attorney may work to help you prove that your child will be safer if you receive full custody.